
- scripting some unix helpu script
- searching google and stackoverflow for simple solutions:

"Just use 'sed --akeib )-£?"/'/#'. Can't you read man pages ffs?"

"Dude, awk is totally the thing you want to use for this kinda thing!"

"Honestly, have you ever heard of perl?"

  • 1
    Your point?
    Either sed, awk and perl are probably the best tools for the job (which you don't say what it is).
    I don't get your rant, sed and awk are core parts of Unix, what answer did you expect? Something exotic like ruby,lua,go? Not even python is guaranteed to be in any Unix/BSD /Linux system.
  • 1
    @nbamaral It's not a rant, it's a joke. I'm aware that those tools are unbeatable in many situations, but there might be simpler solutions for the average person than just using those tools for almost every task.
  • 1
    @Maexmon it actually depends on the task! For example for writing from the second line of stdin into a file I use awk. Could I do it with sed? Maybe. Could I do it in another, maybe simpler way? Possibly. Do I care? Certainly not!
  • 0
    Ok then 😊

    sed -e 2p 😀
    Nothing really beats sed dealing with huge files or fixing little things on binaries. Still know awk, but only use it for little things two, anything bigger I go with perl.
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