Just came to know I too have powers.

  • 50
    Or maybe just dont click in the ultra flashy "Totally click here to download/play" buttons right below the " X medicine will grow your dick 10fold! Scientist totally hate this revolutionary pills" or links like " https://legionfront.me/pages/news " and shit like that
  • 19
    Yeah, I definitely have that power as well. I'm always perplexed how people fall for them but then I remember I have years of training.
  • 8
    @legionfrontier nice subtle self plug
  • 4
    @FuzzyMyztiq Years of training and a few regretful clicks too. But even after all these years, I wonder how they're not getting better at faking!
  • 1
  • 5
    @null-pointer There is no incentive to get better. They want to scam stupid people, so they target it to stupid people.
  • 9
    My power is looking at the bottom left gray box telling you where a link points to.
  • 2
    You learn from your mistakes. Last virus I got was a shitstorm that turned everything to chinese characters, then had a script that would re-install everything (about 3 or 4 different programs) on boot. Got rid of it..

    Next morning, my dad's complaining about chinese chars in his pc... The struggle is real..
  • 6
    I don't need this power. I am using uBlock origin. Life without an adblocker is hard.
  • 2
    Hahaha totally true
  • 1
    @legionfrontier you can also hover and check the bottom left for the hyperlink address, or inspect the page
  • 1
    Just install your parents a very aggressive Adblocker 👌
  • 1
    yeah, it's still the same old principle of if it looks too good and obvious to be true, it's probably not true

    or "it's like legal contracts, you need to look for the most hidden parts because those are the most relevant"
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