

In firefox:


In "dom.webnotifications.enabled", change "true" to "false"

Website notifications are now disabled. You're welcome.

  • 0
    I literally just did this yesterday too. How is it not in the normal settings?
  • 0

    No idea. It's really annoying.
  • 0
    @bahua Well, I use Tutanota for privacy reasons as my email provider and they only provide a web client and an app so I'd like the notifs on by default myself :)
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    To each his own. I hate web notifications. Even for personal email. I will check it when I feel like it. I won't be beholden to a notification made under the assumption that I should stop what I'm doing and break the flow of my work to visit someone's website.
  • 0
    @bahua But would you sop what you were doing if you got a notification about an important email through a normal email client?
  • 1

    No. I have a process. I correspond in the morning. If someone really wants to get my attention outside that time, they can hit me over slack or personal IM.
  • 0
    @bahua Fair enough :)
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