
Help me...
My class is full of retards....

  • 18
    Gotta learn to deal with mate, cos it only gets worse from here on
  • 15
    Their view of woman...

    They are like "Woman belong in the kitchen", "I'll fuck her every day" and "Look! I would fuck her so hard" (while showing a picture of some Instagram hoe)

    I don't know if that's normal under men but I don't think so.

    Also we have only one girl (actually 2. Maybe I'll see explain later) in class and they are being so fucking sexist to her. Looking at her ass, asking for blowjobs and all this shit.
  • 7
    @Skayo oh, the troglodyte type classmate? I remember that type of folk, are they fit dudes? why not give them yourself a few "love taps" so they start learning some proper manners? I did that back in High School ... (though then again I also got permantly injured in one of those fights 🤔 )
  • 12
    We have a teacher from Germany and they are being such a dick to him...

    Making hitler greetings behind his back, shouting "Heil Hitler" after him and being so disrespectful!

    They are calling him a racist just because he asked us where we are from, while they are like "I hate serbians" and "I hate austrians".
  • 5
    Yeah, I kinda see it as a training for life.
    Dealing with a lot of dicks and assholes...

    I'm not that kind of guy. I never had a real fight too haha.
    I think I'm actually too nice to my friends. Helping everwhere I can and all that.
    I'm happy that there are at least a few normal people in my class.
  • 8
    @Skayo funny... they dont even know their own history, uh? Hitler was born in Austria-Hungary and raised in Linz ... You sure have Neanderthals as classmates, eh?
  • 6
    More funny is that they actually live in Austria.
    I think "Neanderthals" is a good word to describe them.
  • 3
    I also want to say that I'm not perfect as well, but at least I have enjoyed a better education. I'm happy about my parents and how they taught me.
  • 4
    Oh wow I fell so much better after ranting like that! I should do that more often!

    Maybe I'll post some more comments later...
  • 2
    @Skayo Well I dont know much devrelated that is as that is more about the human factor, You can drop by my site if you want to rant about anything... or just chat with chill people in there or even get some free Steam keys
  • 5
    In the end they are just working hard to make themselves uncompetitive in the job market. Meh, that's good for you right?

    You'll meet them again in 5 years through the window of your office, you writing code for some important shit and them with a window cleaner in hand scrubbing away... It'll be a good moment 🙂
    (That actually happened to me lol)
  • 2
    Would be really cool but I kinda hope I don't see any of them again in my life.
    After I'm finished with this school I just want to forget all this shit
  • 2
    Thanks, I'll maybe take a look!
    Oh and you have written your website into the location field btw! Don't know if it's on purpose but you can't click on it...
  • 0
    @ribchinski got a familiar situation over there?
  • 3
    @Skayo where are you from? And what classes?
  • 1
    Austria, in the 10th class
  • 4
    I had a similar experience, some of the classmates were douches to me and other girls. But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. At least me. I put them in their place soon enough.
    Also one of the teachers who was teaching us programing in c++ was all like: ok, we'll wait for sladuled here, to finish this assignment.. WTF dude?! I am already at 4th assignment?! He assumed I was slow & falling behind because I was a girl.. Little did he know, that his class (+ the prog2) was what we covered in half the first semester at uni..
    Anyhow, he was mocking me why I am staring at the wall (assignments on projector) and I replied I am contemplating how to solve the problem. And then he said that he usually uses paper and pen for that. And I curtly replied that this is a child play I don't need to write down.
    It was fun when he got 'promoted' to principal and had to congratulate me when I finished school with best average in class.. So much win!
  • 1
    Oh and I forgot this dude that is proud that he already fucked like at least 5 prostitutes and shows his cannabis around in class (maybe he also smoked it; looked at my phone at this time; but it smelled really bad).
    Oh and then threatens us that when we tell anyone, he will like beat us up really hard... WHY DID YOU EVEN IT IN THE FIRST PLACE IF YOU ARE AFRAID OF THE POLICE WTF
  • 0
    Yes I am in Austria and no I have no clue why there are such people in my class. It's one of the best technical schools in Vienna and there are really good teachers.
    Also no, I don't make this all up. These things really happened.
  • 0
    Last year there was this incident where the teacher left his phone in class while he was quickly going away to get something.
    Suddenly they just went to the desk and looked up his phone. WTH GUYS THIS IS NOT OKAY
    The teacher somehow didn't have a password, they opened his WhatsApp and found a chat with his wife.
    Since then they made fun of him, asked him about his wife and what they read in the chat (in the disrespectful way).
    I also felt really bad for not doing something against this, but also the teacher has to know how to deal with something like this, doesn't he?
  • 3
    @Skayo teacher should have known better.. also you cannot do much when dealing with people in this state of mind, if they are yerks to techer they'll just be bigger jerks to you..
  • 3
    Time to refactor your class
  • 1
    If this actually spreads to the public in your country and the public demands it, they may be sacked from school. But that doesn’t solve the root of the problem though.
  • 4
    @Japorized Sacked? Are you talking about the teacher? Or the students? In our country they are protected like they're gods.. They get bad grades, the teacher is to blame, not the students who skip classes or misbehave..and well don't study.. At least that's how it was when I was still in high school.. :/
  • 1
    @sladuled Depending on where you’re from, it’s not impossible to see students getting kicked out from schools. I’m used to seeing students either getting suspended or expelled at my high school, and our teachers were not afraid to face unreasonable parents.
  • 1
    @Skayo dude that is a really big problem on many colleges. In my class they're go so far they directly ask the already few women studying to just leave the career and if they have a mistake is because they're women... This is getting out of control
  • 1
    my first thought was: remove 'em and get immutable
  • 2
    I'm so glad my past class got dissolved due to too many failing and being moved to another class with mostly sane people.
  • 1
    @Skayo What school is that though?
  • 1
    I'm guessing Spengergasse or Ottakring?
  • 2
    Are the retards being used?

    Yes - Make them private and limit the user's interaction with them to minimum.
    Also consider making them constant retards and pushing them into an array.

    No - Refactor!
  • 2
    Also hoped that at least some of them would fail, but as expected no one failed...
    Oh and I'm at Ottakring. (Life near Korneuburg tho)
  • 1
    1. For me, yes. It's pathetic.
    2. Not in Austria
    3. Maybe

    I'm trying to ignore them but it is so difficult...
  • 1
    @Skayo Well, maybe they'll fail this time.

    Also, if I was in your position, I'd start being a sneaky snitch and give anonymous tips to your teachers everytime you know one of these retards is cheating or so.
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