
Well I can't forgot this.

In college I met a guy with whom I passed the same subjects, we had friends in common but we never spoke until after a time (8 months later) he said: "hey can you help me with my problem? I'm doing a website and I want you to verify this database... now".
I just said "ok let's see"... When I gave him my observations he said: "thank you .. I don't remember your name right now but... don't you wanna do this website with me?".
And that's how I met one of my bestfriend and coworker.

  • 2
    When I started reading I thought it would be about someone wanting you to do their work but the ending made me smile🙂
  • 3
    Boy he was brave but not the way to ask out a girl with a website tho.
  • 0
    @jsframework9000 in fact I learned a lot from him, we don't work in the same company, but we still working on extra projects together ☺️
  • 1
    @htlr this is a case where the boy doesn't intend to go out with the girl. Just having someone with whom to do websites 😂
  • 1
    @FaBbY41 so its like "websites and chill" ? 😂😂
  • 0
    @htlr haha I guess :D
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