
Tomorrow I'm going to local company to talk about possibility to work for them, planing to leave current company... Can't decide how much money to ask, any tips?

  • 2
    Well whenever I negotiate for my salary. I always aim high just to show confidence and give em an idea of my worth although this number will probably never be close to what they have in mind it gives you wayyyy more wiggle room to play with figures. Just remember sell yourself and aim high! :) only you know how much you would like.
  • 3
    Most smart companies know you will over shoot. So if you dont they will think your useless or undervalue yourself and will take advantage at every turn
  • 0
    Thanks guys! Good advices
  • 1
    It really depends on the local culture, but a good starting place is to look at Glassdoor or job sites that show average salary

    Good luck!
  • 0
    Aim high, they'll try to lowball anyway
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