
Me: develops my first android app with firebase by google.
Me: finishes app, tests it and it works.

Firebase after 3 months: we were first going to scale our servers on our own based on how many people are simultaneously using your app. But now fuck you, we will have a cap of 100000 simultaneous users.

Me: fuck this kills my app if it scales. Have to Shard everything on the db side and overhaul the entire app to work will multiple db instances. Takes a month.

Android after 6 months: dude your app is working fine without any hiccups. Let me fuck it up. We will stop all your services when your app is not running or backgrounded. Also we will make it illegal to start services in this case and we will throw exceptions.

Me: what the actual fuck. They now want me to focus on a JobScheduler, fine... But now even intent services won't work properly. So use a job scheduler to start a JobIntentService which is essentially another job scheduler for queuing. wtf android.

Ps solved it and works again.

PS: WAITING FOR ANDROID TO FML WITH ANOTHER NEW VERSION. Maybe they'll say you can't run your app at all now

  • 4
    As far as my experience with firebase goes I see it as a good prototyping platform.
  • 2
    @azous nah it's a pretty decent socket platform now. Although making an architecture on it, just like any nosql is a bloody nightmare
  • 2
    Thought about trying firebase for an app, would you reccomend using something else instead?
  • 1
    @Wack according to my experience, firebase is very decent and works well. It's just a bit tricky to architect around on it in order to optimise usage and costs. If you get that right, it's pretty amazing when you look at the amount of things you can do with it and the amount of services they offer. I personally love it. If you want alternatives, there's a few ... Back4app, parse (manage your own server though), there's pubnub for push messages etc.
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