
What are the advantages of developing in a Linux SO over windows? (e.g. Ubuntu va w10)

  • 12
    Terminal 😀
    Linux terminal is far better than Windows powershell or CMD
  • 9
    Package managers, cli, customization options, lots of free software (free like free speech not like free beer), pre-installed vim, awesome community
  • 0
    OK but I feel like getting to know all the commands I need sometimes is a little bit irritating @arvind1705 I have used Ubuntu to practice but always fin windows more comfortable so I'm looking for strong reasons to switch my development environment to Ubuntu
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    Seperate os and home
  • 3
    If you find windows more comfortable then there are no advantages.
  • 3
    Developing is possible on Windows, but it's easier and more enjoyable on Linux. Everything just works together better -- and sanely.

    Looking at it another way: Should you brush your hair with part of a pine tree, or with a styling brush? The former will work, if not particularly well, while the second is designed for it.

    I considered using "cactus" (painful) or "cpu" (expensive) in place of the pine tree option.
  • 0
    It really depends per person, I prefer windows for application/game dev, but for webdev I prefer Linux
  • 0
    @Torbuntu maybe I will give a try (again) then. @Root perhaps I'll use it as guest OS in my former installation (w10). I will do it tomorrow.
  • 0
    @arvind1705 Use Linux subsystem
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