So this happened at a government organised 24 hour Hackathon. We had to store documents uploaded from the front end. Now we’ve been trying for a very log time but everything failed (yeah we had a crappy front end guy). Then all hell broke loose when the our team leader in hi sleep deprived state deleted our git repository while I wondered why my pushes were throwing a 404. When hell felt near we came up with the solution to encode the documents in base64 and store it in the database since we only had to show a demo😂.
Sadly enough, WE LOST. Although in retrospect it comes as no surprise.

  • 3
    Without a good team, attending a hackathon is like drinking water from a glass holding it upside down.
  • 0
    @htlr absolutely
    But in this world where anyone who knows html calls themselves a web developer how do you make a good team🤔
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