
Is VIM really that bad? Or why does everybody want to know how to quit it?

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    the quitting jokes come from the somewhat different way to exit the program.
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    @csessh Just did. First thing that was shown was "Type :q<Enter> to exit".
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    @Cruiser Ah! Now I get it! ✌️
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    Vim is awesome, if you get everything set up properly. Save, quit, and gtfo "Type :wq!<enter>" or "Type: :x<enter>"
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    If you have tasted it you like it and get addicted to it... Else no.
    It's so addicted now that sometime I press :wq while quiting a notepad or a word doc. 😀
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    once you get out of the notepad flow it's really cool, personally I like the hjkl movement but combined with ciw or ci" it makes development quicker for me
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