
I earned the title of "sql king" due to the complexity of the sql I write (not proud of that because it makes maintainability hell) . It's pretty cool except sometime I feel like I can write shit code and ship it to production just because none can review my code properly or rather spend enough time understanding it,
basically I am not challenged enough...

What do you guys do if you are not challenged or bored ?
Never contributed to an open source but it might be the solution

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    become sql clause? 😅
    you know SELECT FROM wasNiceThisYear
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    @heyheni you need to specify what you are selecting though !
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    Why don't you challenge yourself to write more maintainable code that your colleagues can review?
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    @th31 i like how you said it as if I haven't tried it out lol maintainable sql ..., debugging sql is known to be as a pain in the ass, there is a trade off in this case efficiency vs maintainability/simplicity/readability etc the sql I write is usually computes data from different tables for statistical purposes ... Meaning one sql block my contain several joins, window function.

    All this can be separated in to smaller sql statements, but eventually I'll have to join and compute the data returned from the sql in python or any other language meaning loops and other funky stuff ... This will improve the sql maintainability/readability but not the code that computes the data
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