
Sooner or later, you'll need a VPN access to get an accurate information within the US. The population is fat from garbage food, and now they will be fat in retardness from their media.

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    They are getting it other than MSM now. Some of it is shit, but some of it okay. You have to sift and verify because stuff has so much propaganda in it now.
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    I think VPN will also not help
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    Then it will be just like Russia. That might happen if the Putin wannabe takes over.
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    @Demolishun yeah I've found it better to form truth by multiple points of data rather than getting information from single source.

    I've dismissed western media entirely, since there are simply too many past contradictions. Can't keep a story straight if you follow it for a long time. It relies mostly on a dumb populace, like someone here ;)
  • 3
    @retoor there are other avenues, they'll have to shut down internet for good otherwise.

    But instead of outright censorship, remember they tried to introduce bill about 250K fine and/or 20 years jail term for even accessing tiktok, iirc
  • 0
    Better host this by yourself on cheap vps
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    @jassole they have been slowly delisting websites. This started in 2016.
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    When people complain about the entire media in a country with free press, I'm always very curious about what information sources they're using instead.
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