Spending 5 years at University with a friend....uh???

Let me explain...

I have a friend. A very good friend I can say. I know him since 18 years but I started being everyday with him at the beginning of my "University's journey".

And when I say everyday, I am not joking...every lesson, every exam, every project...

The problem is that he is one of the smartest person I have ever met in the "scientific field". So? He is also unable to say that he doesn't understand something. He is unable to say the he is wrong or to admit that someone else is better then him.

Let just say that he is not good in "relating to other people".

I am very smart too and suddenly he started to fail where instead i was doing good. Jealousy, anger. Every occasion to point out my errors. Every occasion to say to the others that I am stupid and he is smart.

But I know him and I am not like him. So I continued to stay with him, work with him and also going out with him. Because he is my friend.

And you know what? After 5 years he started to be more "human". I learned so much from him and he learned to be respectful and humble.

It was a very stressful period but thanks to that I know that I can be strong and work hard also when someone try to stop me. I am not afraid to say my opinion just because someone is yelling at me. And I know that I can go over stupid judgements and still work good as a team member.

That's it.

Be respectful. Be patient but defend your opinions. Trust yourself but listen and learn from everyone. And if sometime you fail, remember that it's normal. No one is perfect. No one can be perfect alone.

I hope that this rant can help someone else.

Good week to all of you.

  • 3
    @1989 thanks xD but in my opinion I made it because I knew him before.

    But it's always the same. My story is similar to other stories but every story is different. Sometime it's better to do the opposite of what I said in this rant.

    What can I say...Life rules can't be hardcoded.
  • 5
    This is great :)
  • 4
    I think everyone reading was expecting things to go to shit.

    But than after five years he becomes more human.

    A surprisingly warm and fable story.

    Thank you for sharing.
  • 4
    Thanks for sharing.
    Patience is the key to apprehension and prosperity is for those who endure.
  • 1
    @Dimmerworld Puff Daddy? xD
  • 4
    Been in a similar situation, but throughout high-school. Glad you stuck it through. #YouInspiredPeopleToday
  • 2
    Living the same kind of shit at work. But my pal isn't as clever as yours. Makes things interesting indeed.. I wish he was at least humble, if not clever,.. But he ain't. I kind of like a good clash about code. Always helpful!
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