
"Hey we need you to be laser focused on these rush projects, but first let's have an hour long meeting to discuss how you need to be laser focused on these projects".


  • 4
    Better yet, let's have 3 scrums throughout the day to interrupt your work and make you feel like you need to report out progress, even if none has really been made.
  • 2
    Guys, thanks for this rant. I no longer feel alone in this vast world of long useless life-draining reunions
  • 2
    So you start 40 minutes before your meeting trying to make up a status rather than actually doing work. I wish I were joking.
  • 0
    Imma play devils advocate here. Granted most meetings are useless but you need the occasional one to make sure everyone's on the same page. I've seen so much code needed to be rewritten because no one knows what the hell they're supposed to be doing
  • 1
    @xroad occasional is the key word there. Also, we need to keep work in small chunks. Not huge efforts. With that, there should be no surprises.
  • 1
    Meeting includes questions about projects unrelated to rush job.
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