
Any suggestions for a good enough laptop to learn Android/iOS development in?

I tried with my brother's fairly newer laptop and it was slooooooooooow. *cries inside while watching cursor goes from one point to another*

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    SSD is a must, it's probably what the laptop you tried lacked. As long as you have an SSD along side a fairly beefy processor like an laptop i7 and a decent amount of ram you should be good for anything!
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    for iOS you need a macOS. no matter how far you go with development even for hybrid or react native, you will need a macOS to package your app and upload it to store
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    @wozza365 @gitpush Thanks for your inputs. I'll try comparing prices for those.
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    Yup basically what gitpush said. You basically have no other option if you want to develop for Apple products. On the bright side, virtually annything you would want to develop could be done on a Mac, from web development to .net core. In the event of having to do pre .net core you can always dual boot windows. I gigle at the idea but Macs actually run windows better than some windows pcs. If you want windows gaming that is anothet story tho.
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    @AleCx04 decisions, decisions.. I wish I had enough money for both. Looking at the reach of Android in my country, it seems that I'd go on that path and choose Windows/Android instead.
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