The other day when my family and I went to the beach, I met an old friend whom I hadn't seen since 2013. We hardly recognised each other. He brought to my attention that my hair had turned grey! 😮 I was imagining it was still black, but at a closer look it's more like salt & pepper or even beyond... 🤨 I thought I was immune to aging. Hence, the update of my profile avatar, to give an honest picture of my present appearance.

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    I guess that are the remarks you get past a certain age. I met an old friend too 3 years ago.

    I haven't seen him again since 2007. We just said to each other that we haven't changed a bit.

    But at some point, you will get a reminder that you are just old.
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    I think this one is best answered with a poem I wrote a couple of years ago. It's too long for a comment so I posted it as a new rant.
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