
When your country bans cryptocurrencies ... *sigh*

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    Use a VPN, or find a partner aboard to work with. Don't let it block your PhD. Good luck!
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    @MatanRad of course i can still work on it ... it's just desapointing
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    How does a country ban all crypto currencies? I doubt that's possible
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    @corjaantje yup Morocco, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal etc
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    @corjaantje they can't really control it ... but it means that penalties and fines will be applied if you're publicly using it or if they can prove it ...
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    @IllSlapU why
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    @calmyourtities Just look at the exchange. It lost its purpose: The use as currency.
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    @PrivateGER disagreed, microsoft, expedia, papa john's or domino's (i forget which), and namecheap accept bitcoin
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    @PrivateGER plus it takes on average 4 hours to do one transaction, not really my preference
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    @calmyourtities Many sites don't accept BTC anymore simply due to the fluctuations. It's USELESS to use as currency.
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    At the moment bitcoin is nothing more than a investment tool, with 90% of ppl buying to snatch a piece of the cake
    And that's what a bubble is.
    Buuut, that bubble isn't going to burst anytime soon. Big drops mostly happen on panic sells and drop to the next line of supporters, that wait for that drop to buy in low and sell high at the next panic. Than there are the long time HODLers, peps that hodl onto their 'paper gains' (profit you made on paper, but didn't cash out yet) until they sell at a specific point. The rockies, whom believe in the real value of bitcoin, in sense of privacy and decentralization and don't even necessarily hold any btc.
    However, as the development of the lightning networks goes on, I think that we might cross the line from investment tool to full blown financial tool soon'ish.
    Instantaneous and cheap transactions would open btc to the normal world, making normal ec-card like transactions possible. If enough people would adapt to that and a limit of about 21 000 000 bitcoins would let the value of one btc skyrocket.
    Also widely adapted usage would stabilize btc enough to be treated as a normal currency, like Euro or Dollar, or, since it's international, even more.
    It's going to be a looong way
    To the moon 🚀
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    @PrivateGER are you saying you can't profit off it?
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    @EAlie india doesn't block all crypto-currencies.
    It does block everything except btc and etherum. That's what I know about
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    you are from morocco, I heard about it.. sorry for that..
    My country (Tunisia) is considering to use blockchain and cryptocurrencies (but I don't think those old fashioned guys will do it)
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    @calmyourtities That's not what I said. Sites don't want BTC anymore simply because it could drop and not be worth anything anymore. I also would rather take a stable currency like USD.
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    @Kimmax BTC will stay king? A lot of cryptos already do what you describe. Heck, some don't have mining at all.
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    @freakko it's all a game. And it's going to be played. Maybe it'll drop even more, maybe it stays where it is. Probably (educated guess, don't put all your savings on my head) it'll continue to go up and down 1-1.5k rapidly before setting of for a new all time high. I'm pretty sure there's a line of supporters down the drain, waiting to gain some cheap BTC. These supporters (buyers) will drive the price up again. Many will jump on the rocket if they notice it's going off again and drive the price even higher. Continue until you hit a big line of bulls (sellers at price x) that is bigger than the demand and it either stays, if the supporters and bulls cancel each other out, or it drops again. Many sell -> the price sinks. Price sinks -> many sell. Many sell -> the price sinks even further. Circle closed.
    This will continue until there's some real (APPLIED) value in bitcoin. If it's never going to be accepted the game either continues or it crashes one for all
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