
I'm a week from the end of my internship... Finally ! YAY FINALLY IT ENDS YAY ! OH BOY OH BOY IT WAS SO SHITTY I CAN'T WAIT THE LAST WEEK

  • 3
    Some internships are REALLY shitty!!
  • 4
    Guess I got really lucky with mine, the internship was great and offered a job after uni.
  • 0
    @Wozza365 same here dude, I went straight from intern to salaried. Sweet feeling.
  • 1
    @bytewave-fan I was on a good salary too! Enough for rent, food and wine savings! I believe it's law in the UK. But I'd have been pissed off of I wasn't paid. I was doing the same work as everyone else after a couple of months
  • 1
    @Wozza365 yeah none of my internships (US) were unpaid, this one that turned into a job was $20/hr which is great for my area... But not as much as salaried.
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    @bytewave-fan oh god, in France the average intern salary is 7$/hr
  • 1
    @Orionss whaaaaat. US minimum wage is higher than that! And I've never heard of an internship in IT getting paid less than $10 an hour.
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    @bytewave-fan in France internship minimum wage is 27$/day
  • 1
    @bytewave-fan apprenticeships in the UK minimum wage is like £2.50 which is disgusting. Internships in the other hand are generally paid slightly below a junior in the same job.
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