
I'm so tired.
Got enough sleep but tired nevertheless every day.

Situation in the company isn't helping, would really like to get a review as I'm really close to a 'final' version for productive use, none given.
Didn't think far enough and didn't include various OO-things when starting to program this application, so I had to rewrite lots of it. It certainly got better by the time but as it's a grown structure I'd feel happier if someone other than me had seen and cursed the code.
Coworker that has most experience in C# only once implemented something with multiple threads, couldn't help me there.
Could not test the code yet because the hardware was inaccessible and is now potentially broken.
I really like working independently, nevertheless I feel a little bit lost at sea - I can deal with that, but it's exhausting.
Also, trying to get an answer from the colleague who should act as my supervisor whether or not I can work remotely during a CS related course in the semester break for > 2 weeks now. Course admission is the mid of January so I'd like to have an answer this year so I can repeat the basics I'll need if necessary.
Also, Midterm is coming.

It's a lot of little things piling up right now I wouldn't mind if there were only 1-2 of them.
I'm just so damn tired.
I'll go to sleep now.

(In happy news: my internet connection is working pretty decent now, technician that fucked it up apologized and said that he probably needs glasses, he misread the connection number. :D)

  • 4
    Well good to hear you finally have your connection back 😃
    For the rest, I kind of feel the same with my video game project. I'm mostly doing all the work and I sometimes feel like I'm drifting on an ocean with a wooden plank to stay afloat.
    Allow yourself some rest as soon as you can, your health is more important than any job.
  • 1
    I can totally relate for the first third of your rant 😭
  • 1
    @Totchinuko Thank you, I definitely will. Gotta make it to Christmas day and then I'll have some quiet time more or less.
    Good luck on your game project, it's sometimes really hard to stay motivated when you're virtually the only person working on something and everything else feels soggy. But you can do it! :)

    @Drillan767 I'm not the only one! :D

    @AlexDeLarge He, I wish and as well I don't, as I have too much studying to do right now. :)
  • 0
    @nin0x03 well I'm currently asking myself if the project is worth the risk. I'll have to take a decision soon on that. But hey thanks 😊
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