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    php hypertext preprocessor
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    I'm getting rather annoyed by all these php-is-bad posts. Have any of you tried php7? Or even php5.6?

    Sure it has its quirks and there are some weird things, but every language has that.
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    @SZenC shhh let them continue. Actually we should even encourage them. 😁

    So that lesser and lesser PHP devs in near future and we can be Kings 😝 because as long as there is web, there will be PHP 🤣
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    @SZenC @CurseMeSlowly
    I completely agree with SzenC PHP 7 is a fine general purpose language. I enjoy programming in it.

    Of all the crap I heard there was one comment that was actually really pointing out the flaws of PHP. I mean facts. He might have hated PHP but he got the facts straight and that can help make it better in future versions.
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    PHP was fine 15 years ago. It was installed on most web servers and easy to learn.

    In 2017, it doesn't make sense anymore. It as either evolved with nonsense syntax and concepts, or still comes with broken functions.

    It still relies on a thread based system. Even Asp.net moved away from this system to use an event loop instead, which is way more scalable.

    Installing it with various dependencies is still as messy as before. Find which php.ini is being used, make sure the extension is compiled for the correct version and architecture, thread or non-thread safe, install composer, etc. It's a shitshow.

    Can't have multiple versions of PHP installed at the same time. Need to use VMs / vagrant.

    The completely non-standard and random syntax. Namespace\namespace\namespace… object::object=> wtf is going on here. Why not use the same syntax as c#, js, java, etc?

    The extensive list of broken functions that are still being shipped with PHP, or that accept arguments in any order for "historical reasons". The naming of functions which are inconsistent and make no sense whatsoever.

    Just a few of the reasons why it makes no sense to learn or code in PHP nowadays. If that's all you know and you're good at it, keep using by all means. But if you're looking to learn the language, please stop and look at more serious options.
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    @NGPixel as a past PHP dev I really do agree with your post.
    I don't hate PHP and I do dislike the constant whine about it, but facts are facts. It's outdated, very complicated, has occasional bugs and has a hipster syntax. To which I can only add the string concatenation operator: "."
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