What computer do you all work on?

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    I'm writing it from my personal computer. An early 2016 macbook pro 13".

    At work I have a lenovo w530 with windows on it.
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    Lenovo G70 :) (laptop)
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    Most of the time a Thinkpad x201 running Manjaro
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    Macbook pro running Fedora Linux,
    Could choose between a mac and a Lenovo from my organization , but I thought uninstalling macOS would be much more satisfying then uninstalling Windows.

    And oh the faces when I boot a €3000 machine with amazing color accuracy and high pixel density with no window manager. The terminal font is purely amazing.
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    A ten year old Asus with 4g ram. Doing web development...saving up for a ThinkPad or Chromebook.
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    Lenovo ThinkPad T460s. One of THE best laptops out there if you ask me, bar T470s ofcourse 😄
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    Self built in 4790k oc to 5.2ghz, GTX 1080 and 24 GB of RAM running Arch with i3gaps ofc ♥️
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    A 9 year old MacBook Pro. 8Gb of RAM and Sierra.
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    A black one. Sometimes it makes weird noises. Especially when I try to compile code.

    Seriously, though: selfbuild pc at home, hp z240 at work.
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    @valvy Have a ++. You made me laugh out loud.
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    XPS 15
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    ASUS N43SL laptop as main. HP stream 13 as mobile.

    Edit : thought my 7 years old laptop is old, turn out we all love our good laptop for a very long time 😍
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    Rocking a 13" Pro early '15 with High Sierra for a couple of months now, mostly for its screen and battery life.

    But boy, 8 gigs of RAM is just not enough for someone like me.
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    MacBook pro late 2015 Ed, Asus G750 running Ubuntu gnome and a Asus T300 for meetings
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    @DLMousey You don't use an atomic battery yet? Time to upgrade.
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    Lenovo Yoga
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