totally !dev

I just saw my team mate clean his glasses with that micro fiber cloth that they give along with the specs. He just like, opened his bag, picked up his specs box, took that itsy bitsy piece of clothing and wiped his glasses!!!!!

My heart stopped for a bit :-/

Who the hell does that. Sheeesh.

  • 8
    I thought you were suppos to do that, other cloth might scratch the surface or something.

    I never bothered to do it, it's too much work.
  • 3
    Old people do that. my grandfather used to do it
  • 8
    I might be an idiot but I think the right way to clean your spectacles is with your T-shirt or shirt. Pun intended.

    It's been 12 years though. 😅
  • 3
    i also occasionally spray it with the cleaner AND THEN use the cloth. that's what it's for?
  • 3
    @Alice it's not a bug. It's a feature to hide avatars from bad people. :D
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