Realizing that coding isn’t actually how it’s like in the movies where you got 3 monitors and 2 keyboards using both hands to make vertical green lines move, and instead it’s just you painstakingly using your brainpower to figure out how to do some random thing while going to stackoverflow every 11 minutes is the “SANTA ISNT REAL?!” of the programming community

  • 1
    Same as hacking, you‘re not mashing your keyboard with several command lines in front of you with a big „Pentagon Secret System“ login prompt and then you say „I‘m in“
  • 1
    When you say that Santa isn't real...?
  • 2
    Well I've got 3 monitors and 2 keyboards, I'm using both hands, and the thing I'm working on involves a graph with some lines on it that move. The vertical lines aren't green right now but that's easily changed.
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