
I graduated with a CS degree which focused 99% on software only. In my current job, I get to write software to control hardware (pumps, valve’s, etc). I think this is awesome and I really enjoy interacting with the hardware. It makes the software seem more tangible.

I’d like to stay in positions that allow me to write software and interact with hardware but I’m having a hard time finding jobs that aren’t just a PLC programmer.

Do any of you guys have a job like this?

  • 1
    Samsung? They make all sorts of hardware
  • 2
    I had a few jobs where we wrote apps which directly interacted with hardware via bluetooth or wifi.
    Some of them did it only indirectly, via a REST API.

    The bluetooth one was a lot of fun but such low level stuff is rare for me.
  • 3
    Robotics? Embedded? I think there are several fields. Might help though if you know some electric / maybe math.
  • 2
    Congrats on working in embedded
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