
Yesterday I asked a question on stack overflow about what algorithm I should use in order to parse command line strings like in gnu getopt for example.. And I've got downvoted for no GOOD FUCKING REASON. On top of that, my question is on hold. WTF?! For some time now stack overflow is becoming more and more a community of fucking cunts, arse-holes and toxic people.

" What parser algorithm is best suited for command line parsing? [on hold] "

My question:
"I want to write my own command line library from scratch. What algorithm should I use in order to parse gnu style args like in getopt for example ? I mean what's the best way other than tokenizing and parse them in a naive way? Should I try to look at LR, LL algorithms or this is way too overkill?"

Their response:
"Your question sounds like "I want to do X. What's the best way to do it?". Too broad, you need to be more specific about what problem you're having. (And keep your question clean. No meta-stuff in there.)"

I mean, what more context-specific reason should I add you dense motherfucker!? I want an algorithm to parse your momma's cunt so hard 'till it blows the fuck up. This what you want? You fucking senseless piece of garbage. God, give me a car to run over their fucking internet cable and over their head, too.

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    I think stackoverflow is mainly code issues. For most logical questions there are other stackexchanges.
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    I have blocked stackoverflow from my search results year ago.
    Reason: The best questions are unanswered and downvoted.
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    Use antlr.
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    You should head this question to "Software Engineering" instead of StackOverflow. Its still an exchange network site but especially for stuff like your question. As another one already said StackOverflow is for code problems. Meaning problems with your existing code. They're not that toxic :)
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    > You should head this question to "Software Engineering" instead of StackOverflow.


    > Its still an exchange network site but especially for stuff like your question. As another one already said StackOverflow is for code problems. Meaning problems with your existing code. They're not that toxic :)

    Still got downvotes.

    > They're not that toxic :)

    What did you say?!
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    " And I've got downvoted for no GOOD FUCKING REASON" - ummm, if you read the "fucking" rules, you'll see your reason.

    The question has no concrete answer that would be correct. It is specifically written that no questions about recommendations of books, algorithms, languages are to be accepted.

    The site is simple: if X doesn't work, describe X, describe how X should behave, describe how it behaves.

    Like, how hard can it be to read the damn rules?
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    @AndSoWeCode exactly.

    Also, there is no algorithm for command line parsing since it differs.

    I have seen so many different command line patterns that is different its ridiculous.

    So no the OP’s question did violate the rules of SO.

    The question was more or less equal to:

    I want to build my own c++ parser what algorithm should I use ;)

    A command line is ONLY a list of strings, all the rest us up to how you like to read it.
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