
I’ve realized that coding is really a stupid waste of time. Why you wouldn’t use a visual coding system or ai code assistant or any of the other code methods that are not coding is just dumb. Here’s to the end of coding and similar systems that makes this brain dead skill a thing of the past. I hope my comments didn’t anger any coders especially since I think coding is really stupid.

  • 5
  • 9
    Worst attempt at trolling I have seen in years.
  • 3
    Try those methods and tell us how it goes
  • 0
    @cafecortado so far it’s great. Why waste your time writing code when I can use visual scripting. Coding is for monkeys with rashes. Forget it.
  • 1
    Good luck with that xD
  • 0
    Coding is just one expression of logic. Sure, the tools to harness logic are changing. So what.
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