Can we ever have a truly democratic and uncensored Internet?
I am writing this in irritation and anger as I read a story headlined " Apple CEO backs China’s vision of an ‘open’ Internet as censorship reaches new heights"
Appearantly "Open Internet" as the Chinese Government understands it is, "you can say whatever you want as long as we like it". And Apple being the ass-kissing, 730-million-customer-seeking, co**suckers that they are is only happy to comply. They even removed 674 VPN apps from the Chinese version of their App Store last year to comply with government rules, stating "We strongly believe that participating in markets and bringing benefits to consumers is in the best interests of folks there and in other countries as well, We believe in engaging in governments even when we disagree.”
That was Cook by the way.
Thats two fucking contradictory statements rolled into one!!

Anyway, I know private companies are well within their rights to do what they want to make profits. And I understand Apple might not be at fault totally. But its just so frustrating... :-(
The Net Neutrality repeal in the US, this, the Aadhar shit in India and lots of other stuff thats been happening around the world, that just blatantly undermine Civil Rights and freedom makes me imagine that only a bleak future sits on horizon. Almost Orwellian.

If only people would just realise and revolt a bit... probably we would have a different future then..

I hope I am wrong and this is just the pessimist in me speaking.

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    Fuck Apple. Money whore cuck of a company. Steve Jobs would probably kill himself if he saw the shithole his company has went to.
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    Listening to China on what the open internet should look like is like trusting cigarette companies to release accurate data on smoking or trusting a dingo to watch a baby as John Oliver would say.
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    @jhh2450 Their engine's still guzzling "Job's legacy" as fuel... Probably will forever..
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    @turturtles I don't even know how people gulp up their words... or does everyone just pretend to? Coz u knw.. Communism..
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    @Alice Also for their profits and cheap labor.. which sucking up to them will make it easier.
    I think they are gonna make a move on my country next.. India.. but for now its anyone's territory..
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    @jhh2450 I wouldn't particularly say that Apple is the only company only thinking about money. Would you? I can think of quite a lot (pretty much all private corporations)
    I still think this is a very idiotic statement from Cook though. Pretty unnecessary and stupid.
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    @jhh2450 But you're right. I bet Jobs is turning in his fucking grave right now.
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    @teganburns what is it mate? Says Under Construction..
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    @aaxa Seeing what they have done over the past 5 years with his products.. fucking right! No fucking innovation anywhere...
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    @hereiskkb But but, we got a touch display on the Macbook Pros?
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    @teganburns Wow! Sounds cool! I hope you make a headway... tag me on any progression if u can.. my handle's the same everywhere..
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    @aaxa yeah.. hehehe.. and we ll get a lot more of those where that comes from.. like a removed headphone jack without any suitable replacement for example..😛😛
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    Apple is completely dependent on China for its manufacturing. They want to charge a 300% markup on their manufacturing cost. They can't afford to reel it in a tiiiny bit and pay their workers a proper wage. That would slow their record profits, Cthulu forbit!

    So instead, they openly #### China's authoritarian #### and like it!

    And the dongles, the god. damned. dongles.

    Tim "Dongleberry" Cook. That's his name now. Dongleberry.
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