
I am using Windows only (for desktop). And I have no problem with that.

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    You won't have a problem with Windows because the problem is within you. :/
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    You'll never realise how bad Windows is until you use a unix-like os.
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    @Chlodovechus I have Ubuntu on another drive. Got nothing against Linux, but also it just doesn't give me anything that Windows can't do. Apt is comfortable for easly installing git and stuff, you need to download setups for everything on Windows, that's a downside. But that's also solved with cygwin or the integrated bash in Windows 10.
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    Install an Arch based distro
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    @Chlodovechus No time for that 😄
    Also in the end both, Linux and Windows, are just systems that let me access my files and open window applications. It doesn't make much of a difference for me. BUT: Windows can run my games.
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    @Lahsen2016 That's why I said "it doesn't give ME". I laugh at people for using Windows Server because I will always and ever use Linux in that field, but for desktop it's just not convincing enough for me.
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    I use Windows, Mac, Ubuntu and arch. And I have no problem with Windows. I am just smart enough solve all problem on Windows
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