
What should I learn first, Python or Rust?

All I know currenrlly is JS, and I want to get away from the browsers. And I'm a Linux guy, so Python or Rust seem's like the way to go :-)

  • 10
    I'd say Python, but I'm probably just biased since it's my favorite language :)

    Perhaps these links shall assist you: https://stackshare.io/stackups/...

    Ahh, it feels like I'm in SL again~
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    Python, I haven't written a single line in it but from my experience with Rust, I'll recommend you start with Python
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    If you want to learn faster and are more geared towards a scripting language then python but I would definitely learn c++ over rust
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    Rust, because it'll teach you something new (memory management, low level programming, pointers, enums). Python doesn't really do anything new, it just makes most common coding operations easier.
    And you can pick up Python easily if you know another similar language, like JS, just look at the tutorial and start coding. Rust will take time and will be rewarding.
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    Of course if you really want to improve your skills and learn something very different and awesome, then you should check out our Lord and Saviour, Haskell...

    (seriously, it really helps)
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    @Michelle Thank you for the links, definitly gona check them out!

    And from the feedback I've got, Python seems like the next step. Thank you all for your time! :-)
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    I'll suggest to go deep into c / c++, and then rust
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    I'm a decent python developer yet I hate python.
    However, I strongly suggest you start off with python, work your way around basic C (definitely not C++) then head out to rust.
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