
Guys just wanna ask stuff..I recently just became interested with bitcoins and mining them(trying to earn without spending a cent)... I tried out nightminer py but it seems I can’t get this to work.. I prefer to run it on a cloud server... should I continue or shouldn’t please Identify the pros and cons so that I’d tally them and decide if I should pursue this...

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    If you want to mine etherium and bitcoin, I believe you would be better off getting a decent graphics card and setting up a home server that is dedicated to mining. I know someone who was looking into this so I could ask them and see what they suggest.
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    @laceytech I would really just want to run it through the cloud... because I’m currently using my pc and yea it would not help if I run it on my pc..
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    @rui725 problem is that the cloud instance costs more than your likely to earn mining. Otherwise every one would be running massive mining farms in the cloud.
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    @Voxera B-b-b-but why doesn't the cloud offer me free money?
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    @Voxera what if you say you got it working for free? Like trying to run it in pythonanywhere or heroku?
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    @rui725 Free as in illegal?
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    @R01101111bert nope like free as in you try and try and fail...but tried again and lucky someone was fed enough that they would donate a btc to you
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    @rui725 Well if someone is giving away free time in the cloud, sure its an option.

    Don’t know how much you might earn currently thou.
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    @Voxera can you give like a library that I can use to do the mining? Having troubles running nightminer.py it’s old... and outdated I believe...

    I’m not really certain that it’s free but I’m not being charged to run a heroku app.. or run a program through pythonanywhere...
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    Heroku explicitly prohibits

    Use the Service to "mine" bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies;

    And the processing power you get is really small anyway...
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    "Trying to earn without spending a cent"

    This very rarely works out in practice.

    "It takes money to make money" is a saying for a reason.

    Some form of investment is needed.
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    @R01101111bert i was not aware haha oh well ..

    @MrMeeseeks some people do get what they want without investing on something..
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    @rui725 sorry, I have never mined my self but read a lot about it out of curiosity and except for early days there has been no success stories using dedicated hardware so I guess the only way to actually earn money is either use spare time on hardware you already got for something else or through speculation like the stock market.
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    @rui725 Hency why I said rarely
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