"this environment is externally managed"

yes, i know it is, please fucking install it

fuck you python and fuck you docker

tools for children


  • 1
    pip has a very controversial "don't do anything" flag. I liked it originally, but now I see that it isn't very constructive.

    The better flag would be "exec this other executable with all pip commands".
  • 2
    Sounds like skill issues. Git gud
  • 3
    "oh no, it's trying not to break packages on the system! it's so badly designed why is it stopping me at all oh nooooooo" drop a `--user` flag in there and you're done, shut your mouth
  • 0
    virtenv ftw.
  • 0
    @lungdart definitely a python issue
  • 1
    @magicMirror I'm a big fan of asdf, but docker is the best virtual environment
  • 0
    That warning is there for a reason OP, namely to save yourself a lot of headache when the package breaks in a year or 2, and u have no clue how it even got there in the first place.

    Im just saying, as someone who has several 4-5 yo arch installs
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