
It becomes really creepy when an anonymous 'number' calls you every day at the same time for a few weeks.

Picked up once, random noise and a hangup after two seconds.

It's time to install a root call blocker again :/

  • 13
    I had the same once, random number called everyday, they said hello in some weird computer voice and hung up.

    One time I picked up and shouted: 'stop calling what the fuck' into the phone. They have stopped calling ever since
  • 5
    @Alice @404response @Condor I've had it for nearly a year a few years ago, now that was creepy.
  • 11
    It might be one of those automatically redirected shotgun calls, so as soon as a victim picks up somewhere in the world, they redirect you to some country that probably is expensive to call from your contract and then they also try to scam you with microsoft support for example.
  • 6
    @JoshBent Never heard of that, thanks for the heads-up!
  • 8
    It reminds me of the time this one business number kept calling me. I never answered until I got sick of it.

    But when I answer there was this creepy giggle. Not the way you axpect it. But almost like a woman scoffing or something. I can't quite explain it.

    Then she hung up. I got scared and called it again but when they answered they said, "hello, this PG&E or something like that."

    I just assumed it was some idiot who spoofed their number to prank me. But still, the little scoff-giggle thing creeped me out, and I'm not one to get creeped out easily xD
  • 3
    @Michelle some phone calls are more creepy than the average horror movie produced today
  • 4
    Horror movies were never scary in the first place, but I've see prank calls that went too far.
  • 2
    @Michelle I am sure there are a few horror movies which are at least a bit scary
  • 1
    @Alice better than an old man just breathing heavily on the other end and hanging up only to call again five minutes later 😖
  • 1
    @Alice It's so creepy and gross! What did you do?

    I was like 16 the last time it happened. I don't even know how anyone got my number.
  • 2
    @Root as said above they just use some digital service or mass of cheap workers and bruteforce/shotgun call random numbers in specific mobile provider ranges, if somebody takes it or it doesnt return a not registered, they save that number, so they basically got your number back then in the same fashion.
  • 1
    THEY are after you.
  • 2
    @Alice I'm so jaded and numb to shock/horror now that it wouldn't bother me at all. (I wasn't at 16.) If it happened to me now, I'd probably just report them, or return the favor in a way that would convince them not to try again. (After years of being taken advantage of and harassed, I just had enough. 😞 I learned it's best to stand up for yourself end things quickly)

    Creepy old man breathing at 3am still bothers me, though....
  • 2
    Or someone is pulling your leg. 🤔

    Worst case, you got a stalker. 🤔
  • 4
    I've had a computer voice just say "goodbye" in the creepiest way possible a couple of times
  • 0
    Yesterday someone called me from Boznia and Herzegovina... that was strange....
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