I bought the new dell xps15 57 days ago and now it’s ducked (pun intended).

Last week the screen stopped working. I powered off and back on. Then I get a cpu failure light sequence.

I call dell. To my surprise they have given me next day support for free. The guy comes the next day.

He says he will come between 4-6pm. at 615pm he phones me and says he will be late. I hang out at work to wait for him.

Finally at 730pm he comes and doesn’t have a screwdriver for the laptop. So he leaves to go buy one. 8pm he comes back. It takes him an hour to replace the motherboard by which time I just want to check it works and then go home. It seems good and we both leave the dark office at 930pm.

The next day I notice the sound isn’t working. He also hasn’t closed the laptop properly and there is a dent on the right hand side.

Despite dell giving me next day support it takes a week for them to come back with a solution.

I now have to send it off to them and I’ll be a week without the laptop...

It was incredible when it was working. But laptops aren’t great when they don’t work!

Perhaps I should have got a Mac...

  • 0
    Good idea. What should I ask for?
  • 2
    Cables and stuff would be cool I guess! :) #loveCables
  • 1
    I am using 13 7000 for 3 months now. It's working pretty well so far.
  • 0
    I've had pretty bad experience with dell in the past to the point where I tell people to actively avoid them. Bad ram, bad boards, cheap components, etc
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