
it is hard to be a Dentist and programmer at the same time ;/

  • 4
    interesting, how did that happen?
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    Can you make my teeth white?
    .teeth {
    background-color: #ffffff;
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    @heyheni I am a dentist, and i have learned Android programming, it is my hobby.
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    @NoMad my app :)
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    awesome! 😲
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    Have u published on the play store can we have the link, by the way welcome to devrant
  • 14
    Hum... Welcome to devRant... But keep away from me...
    *hide from the dentist*
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    @thevariableman no I can't :( in my City there is no electronic payment, but i have some libraries on GitHub
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    @AnasTr cool will check it out coz the ui looks really nice
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    @Totchinuko actually, there's nothing to fear, it just a phobia ....
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    @Jilano normally it is psychological fear, you know, some teeth pain we treat it with in 5 min, and guess what ? Without Anesthesia or any pain !!!
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    So you get both the "Can you fix my $remotely_electronic_device?!" and "So you're a doctor, can you take a look at my teeth/$completly_unrelated_body part?" questions then?

    And welcome to DevRant. :)
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    Oh yeah @nin0x03 , as doctor can fix human being, programmer can fix computer's system... They're closer than we think.
    thanks :)
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    @Lahsen2016 most of people have a phobia from dentist because thy have bad experience in their childhood, or maybe someone who scares them of a doctor and the injection... But we are nice, believe me 😅
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    Welcome to devRant.

    Don't forget the 'bracket' while dealing with teeth as well *punintended
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    @IndoDev like dealing with cancer as a bug, i got it 😊
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    @jespersh the most important thing is saving all data with images and patient history... And the next appointment.
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    It's always interesting watching professionals learning how to program....Specific apps for specific professions came out better this way.The same is happening to me... I'm a CNC programmer / operator and found out that there isn't Apps / services to help noobs or even experience professionals...So, I'm making an app with tool tables (parameters specifically for different tools we use). But I have a background in programming (with little experience).
    Latter on, maybe you can integrate your app with a server and windows software (make it cloud based) and then sell/share with other doctors.

    Btw, most software for specific professions sucks because It's made for programmers know jack sh* about the profession. If more doctors / engineers learned how to program, the world would be a better place.
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    @RodrigoF that's what I'm planning to do, thanks 💗
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    @Lahsen2016 I would defenitly do...
    Would be a nice distraction for the desconfort
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    I have a question: is it harder to look in other people's mouth or to look in other people's code?
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    @Primaru1948 most of people have the same number and shape of them teeth, and the other soft tissue in the mouth helps in diagnosis, also hobbits, patient history, drugs and many things.
    For understanding other's code, some times you don't know where should start!!.
    But for pathological diseases, cysts, tumors and generic diseases we can't make sure about the diagnosis.
    ,So i believe that "looking in the mouth" harder than "looking in the code".
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