
Thanks dfox and trogus! A fiiiine addition to my setup

  • 5
    Hu, seeing that pc on a small wood plank on top of a screen give me cold sweat. Get vertigo for that tower 😵
  • 4
    Just one word...Draaaaaaven!
    Nice setup :)
  • 3
    Not gonna lie... Seeing the PC over that monitor makes me uneasy.

    Amazing set up though!
  • 2
    @FrodoSwaggins yeah the keyboard is a custom off massdrop. Cherry mx blues. Cost me 190, then I put the closest set I could find to DSA granite keycaps on it. I love it so much
  • 3
    @Totchinuko yeah I was nervous at first too. Behind the monitor there is a stronger brace. That shelf can hold up to 150 pounds so it'll be good.
  • 0
    @AntaresStar love the mini but I'm more of a Lucian/Jhin/Vayne main myself xD
  • 1
    @diadev uuh, an adc so..be carefull, you are talking with a jungler xD I'll tell you just my favourite champ..rengar
  • 1
    @AntaresStar oooo. I feel for you. His rework destroyed him. As much as I do hate him :P
  • 5
    I hate you and your damn cape wearing Christmas duck 🦆

    Which cape is it??
  • 4
    D'awhhh that ducky is adorable!
  • 3
    Awesome!! Hope you enjoy :)

    And yeah, very cool setup!
  • 1
    I wish there was a Spirit Guard Udyr or Pool Party Renekton figure!
  • 1
    @Darkler C++ you know it!
  • 0
    @dfox I'm starstruck. Thanks a bunch for making such an awesome app, as well as awesome rubber duckys. :)
  • 1
    @LouisPython that'd be awesome! Or some of the Project skins!
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