
I own a domain:


I registered it last year in my sleep (you may find the rant related to it in my profile)

I need ideas as to what the features of this website should be. I want to make it unique and fun compared to the many browser update websites. (Of course the source will be on GitHub)

Any suggestions are welcome. :D

  • 2
    A good overview of browsers, one for non technical people and one for technical people.

    Make it opensource so other people can write things for the website as well
  • 3
    It should of course check the version of your browser and tell if an update is available but with style. Curse a lot. Also, make the site look extra weird when using IE. ☺️
  • 3
  • 3
    This site has been optimized for IE.
    Upgrade for better experience.
  • 1
    I think joas is on to something here
  • 0
    That people can redirect to this site if their user uses an outdated browser?!
  • 0
    @JFK422 yeah. I'll prepare a JS code for that :D
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