
I was using Ubuntu with gnome environment.I changed to LXDE desktop since my laptop became very slow.It is lightweight than gnome..But I don't like it..I want to try some other distros with lesser GUI things..
Give me some suggestions..some programming friendly distros(light weight,less GUI things)..???
My laptop has a i5 processor and 4gb ram(5 years old)..

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    Firstly, you can run any GUI on any distro, well mostly anyway.
    Secondly, have a look at xfce. It's like gnome but lighter.
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    @Froot I want to try some other distros..
    How is arch??
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    The good news: Literally every other desktop is lighter than Gnome, even KDE is blazing fast in comparison.

    I also have a device with a mobile dual-core i5 and 4GB Ram, and while Gnome is always lagging KDE runs smooth as hell on that thing. If you want to go lighter I'd recommend XFCE although I've also heard good things about Mate.

    When it comes to distros most should work well enough. In your case I'd just keep Ubuntu for now and try out a different UI.
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    @deadlyRants yes you are right..but
    I feel like Ubuntu is heavy with some unwanted software packages.
    I need some distro like Android stock room without any bloatware..
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    @Jilano what is this i3
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    @harikm I don't know much about arch since I haven't used it. But it does seem to require alot of tinkering if you're new to it. So if you want to tinker then give it a try πŸ˜„
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    @Froot yeah I will tinker inside vmwareπŸ˜€
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    @harikm If you want something without bloat but aren't sure about Arch you could try Antergos. It's based on Arch but offers a simple installer like other distros.

    And i3 is a window manager. This means it doesn't have all features of a desktop environment(no start menu, graphical settings etc.). But at the same time i3 is highly customizable and fast. If you enjoy keyboard shortcuts you may find it interesting.
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    @Jilano yes of course..I need things fast by staying in my terminal...I will try this..thank you
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    @deadlyRants ok thank you..first I will try arch with i3..
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    @harikm good choice πŸ˜ƒ
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    @GCHQ πŸ€—
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