
I have an exam in 4 hours. I've been studying all night and now I can't seem to retain anything.

I'm fuckin screwed.

  • 3
    I always prioritize sleep over studying. It doesn't matter how much I've studied if I'm too tired to think.
  • 2
    This is how I like to say it:
    Exams are often about commonsense than anything.
    Your commonsense and memory will start to disappear when you're tired.

    Better to sleep my friend.
  • 1
    How did the exam go?
  • 3
    @Olverine yes me too, studying all night before the exam does not help anyone, because you need the sleep to actually memorize fully what you have learned in the day
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    @coolq pretty good actually! Not my best test but I pulled through it somehow! Weirdly enough what I thought I couldn't remember just popped up in my head and what I was confident about went down the drain 😅
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    This might sound bad, but I hope your weren't confident about much?

    And next time, sleep comes first.
  • 1
    @coolq haha no don't worry I wasn't confident about much at all! :p and yup sleep will definitely come first next time!
  • 0
    Good to hear 😂
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    I'm sure you will succeed. Passing the exam only seems scary, if you were preparing, then you have nothing to worry about. You can even read an essay about Frankenstein by visiting my website https://samples.edusson.com/franken.... There you will find many educational materials that you will need for the exam.
  • 1
    Good luck
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