
What DE do you use and why?

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    I3 gaps. Not sure if a wm is the same thing as de, but you know... I3 is just awesome
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    @Jilano lol
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    Currently Fvwm Crystal on desktop, Unity on best laptop (for the HiDPI support), LXDE on next best, iceWM on old netbook.

    Old desktop (no longer used) has Bodhi Linux with Enlightenment 17.

    Also used i3 and Blackbox in the recent past, in the distant past KDE, Gnome and XFCE and the very distant past just plain X.

    Lightweight desktops are best. I want my resources doing useful work, not chewing through RAM and processor cycles for the sake of some eye candy.

    A friend has told me I need to get with the times which I would do if more modern programs didn't waste resources like they are going out of fashion.
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    KDE. It's familiar and very configurable.
  • 2
    Gnome. It's beautiful, and it works. And I it runs on Wayland ^-^
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