
Got this in my LinkedIn inbox today

"I see you are open to new job opportunity!
I am looking for Sr. Android Developer for a start-up company in San Francisco. They are rebuilding their Android SDK and looking for an Android Engineer like you.

Let me know if you are interested. I would be happy to have a quick chat with you and share more details."

Apparently they're developing a new way of Android development 🤔

  • 4
    Plot twist, recruiter is operating for Google, they are actually planning on changing the SDK.
  • 1
    "Android Engineer"?
  • 1
    @theuser ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 2
    "a new way of Android development" - well I would be afraid of that :D God knows what bullshit they have in mind...
  • 0
    @pain I'm pretty sure they have no idea what the Android SDK is, and want to rebuild their existing Android app in Kotlin bc it's the 'hot new thing'. They probably read some random blog article that said Java will be obsolete for the platform in a few years, so they're scared of what they don't understand.
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