What a sad day for emulation tbh.
But yuzu had it coming, considering the practices they employed 🤷

They also have to pay a 2.4Mio fine.

  • 3
    They're also pulling their 3ds emulator which I think is a shame. 3ds is EOL, I feel like we're losing a part of history if old games don't have a way to be run after the og hardware has passed on.
  • 0
    @atheist aren't there devices on temu or alibaba with 3000 games ? Pretty sure those are illegal too.

    But the good news is that Yuzu will give the source code and software to Nintendo. Maybe they will make their own launcher to run old games you own... That would be awesome.
  • 3
    @Grumm "illegal", yes, but I'm way less bothered when there's no "legal" way to buy the real thing...
  • 1
    it isn't really piracy in the sense of "nintendo missing out revenue", since i'd _never ever ever ever_ buy a console, so i'd never ever ever ever play their games without emulators.

    tbh it's just a terribly dumb move on the side of nintendo to fight emulators, instead of embracing them - increasing their customer base by a multitude with basically no effort.
  • 0
    @tosensei you would think so, but no, Nintendo has shown anything but common sense when it comes to emulators.

    The fact that they bitch over revenue loss on things that are EOL still baffles me.

    Emulation tech is pretty interesting, and not just any kind of developer can partake on it, instead of using them to build up on their shit cut-of-from-the-world crappy software they would much rather burn everything surrounding them.
  • 1
    @AleCx04 "revenue loss on things that are EOL" - well, they _could_ at some time in the future provide a re-re-re-re-re-release for emulators on their current platform.

    by the way, the truly mindboggling thing is: the only thing that actually goes down in sales by emulators is the consoles... which are sold at a loss in the first place and are subsidised by the games.
  • 1
    Nintendo died after the Super Nintendo for me. N64 was "okay".

    Found this:


    So I could play the old Nes, Snes, Sega games if I wanted. Good luck finding games though. Maybe find hacked all in one carts or something. Can do the same on computer though.
  • 1
    There is prob a lawyer that said: "It is dying, but maybe we can squeeze a couple million out of emulators?" So it was probably a business decision to get more profits. Not that they actually lost profits.

    Of course users be like "fuck Nintendo!". So loss on future profits.
  • 1
    Emulation of any interface targeted by many independent commercial entities should be protected activity no matter the means to foster competition.
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    @AleCx04 they're making their own emulators for one thing. Might explain part of the issue.
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    @atheist yeah I know, but I wish they would have taken a more Bethesda approach to the emulators "Oh shit fam, y'all got what we need, and it is good, wanna join the famgang?"

    instead of "ahh you have dishonored us by making software better than ours! ahhh shitake mushroom attack!!!"

    These strange....hermetic ways in which the Japanese companies approach software and tech as a whole is very retarded.
  • 0
    @AleCx04 unlike apple's hermetic approach...
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