
I'm a MERN stack developer but want to crack google interview, so could I use javascript (or ts) to solve DSA problems there or should I need to solve it with cpp?

  • 4
    Google interview I'd use golang, just to brown nose.
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    Usually at least for me they let you choose any language of your choice. But if you’re applying for a role that has certain languages in its reqs then use that ie if you will use typescript on the job, then use typescript during the interview
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    They still haven’t stopped using this useless crap in interviews?
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    @Lensflare are you referring to golang of coding in general ;)
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    @TeachMeCode @lungdart @Lensflare @kanyewest Thanks for the Guidance and time🥲 , this saved me from a lot of unnecessary hustle cause I was preparing for both languages and understanding both too deeply and with practice cause one to forget somewhere / at some part. Thanks again🙂
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    @alemantrix I never interviewed for google but I did for amazon and my take is that they actually care less for your language than for how you approached the problem and at least with amazon how you reason about the problem since they where there in the room asking questions about why I did thing or if I had thought about everything.

    I did whiteboard code , not really building real code but just the concepts on how to solve the task.

    At least in the real interview

    The first step was an online coding test similar to codewars where you submitted something that had to compile and solve a problem but you had 3 or 4 languages to choose from.

    I think their thoughts are that if you can solve problems, they can always teach you a new language, but teaching someone how to think right is way harder ;)
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    "could I use javascript" - sure, but why would any sane person want to?
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    @kanyewest please don't misuse terms. at least try to use insults that are actually fitting.

    that is: if you insist on insulting those superior to you (=everyone)
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    @kanyewest or at least try something that is actually insulting, instead of just plain boring and a perfect indicator of how worthless _you_ are.
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    @Voxera Thank you so so much Voxera🥲. It really helped me to focus on the correct priorities. Thanks again.🥰
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    @kanyewest so your father fucked a parrot?
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    @kanyewest come ooon, you can do better. i believe in you.
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    @kanyewest nah, i don't care.

    why would i give any fucks about what somebody as worthless as _you_ says?

    the only thing that slightly annoys me is how infinitely _boring_ you are. you know the infinite-monkey-theorem? well, to create better insults than you can, you only need one monkey and very little time.
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