
What autocomplete plugin do you use for sublime?
I mostly use it for web stuff, any recommendations?

  • 5
    I didn't bring back my work laptop to home this weekend. So here are just a few I can remember. I will post a complete list tmr.

    - sidebar enhancement
    - git gutter
    - Emmet
    - docblocker
    - php linters
    - various bootstrap, laravel blade and vuejs snippets
    - HTML CSS js beautifier
    - css, js formatter
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    Emmet on atom. 👌
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    I use Atom.
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    @mrlinnth I'm currently testing javascriptcompletions, but I'll attach a full list of my addons if you are interested.
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    @DjSall I'm interested.
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    @Ashkin I got a heart from the queen of devrRant 😍
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    @DjSall hehe. Aw.
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    @DjSall thought I used lots of packages 😀 you have more. Will share mine soon.
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    @DjSall here

    - ApplySyntax
    - Bootstrap 3 autocomplete
    - Bootstrap 3 snippets
    - CSS format
    - Docblockr
    - Emmet
    - Function Name Display
    - Git Gutter
    - JavaScript Beautify
    - Laravel 5 snippets
    - Laravel Blade highlighter
    - Laravel Helper Completions
    - MarkdownLivePreview
    - Materialize
    - PHP Companion
    - PhpDoc
    - Phpfmt
    - Pretty JSON
    - SidebarEnhancements
    - SublimeCodeIntel
    - SublimeLinter
    - SublimeLinter-css
    - SublimeLinter-jshint
    - SublimeLinter-json
    - SublimeLinter-php
    - SyncedSidebar
    - TrailingSpaces
    - Vue Syntax Highlight
    - VueFormatter
    - Vuejs Snippets
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