I’m doing this guys website for FREE. As a favor to my mom. This is the shit I have to deal with as thanks.

He gave me some images he wanted on his new site I’m developing on Tuesday. Woke up to this email.

  • 49
    The first line contains the problem!!

    Never ever do anything free. Free things are never appreciated.

    Not even for your relatives. Instead give a big discount if you want. But give them a full invoice showing total & then add a line for credit/discount so they know the worth of what they're getting.
  • 14
    This shit can make me so fucking angry. No offense to that person but FUCK HIM.

    I hope you'll manage this shit!
  • 2
    I feel you.
  • 1
    Tell him to piss off
  • 2
    Don't put up with that crap. Have some self respect.
    And tell your mom to get better friends.
  • 8
    Update please!
  • 1
    Update please
  • 19
    @Linux the guy is in the hospital with some sort of terrible migraine that he’s had for a week. So I kinda feel bad. But I told him (and my mother) that I’m doing his shit for free so my paying clients will come first, followed by my own personal development (I’ve only been coding for8.5 months) and his project will get done after that. Then I said if they didn’t like it I’ll invoice you both and you can pay to be a priority, otherwise fuck off
  • 2
    I like that! Good job m8!
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