
I got a client asking for a free website for their company because it’s Black Friday...

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    ... because websites are easy & cheap.
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    Hey, you can always try and ask πŸ˜‚
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    I get people asking for free website every month coz it will be good exposure for meπŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘
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    @jAsE If you're good at something, never do it for free.
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    Free websites? That's what's Cyber Monday for, right?
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    @Alice If you're bad at something, don't offer it as a public service.
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    Price website 100% more and make 30% discount. This is how it works in shops..
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    @Alice they will tell other people that I built their website for free
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    I think if it takes more effort than it did to post to devrant, then you should charge.
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    body {
    background-color: #000;

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    @jAsE It's not easy. It takes time and hard work to design, develop, and launch a website.

    Keep in mind that it's a request for the frontend, backend, and hosting.
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    Ask the dude to buy a domain, they come with a free website.

    Either the typical "there is nothing here yet" or the parked domain ads.

    Then charge to 'customize' that website
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    @jAsE why not make a dummy website with Lorem ipsum and cat pictures?

    That way you can show people you can actually develop it.

    Leave the content to the Content Managers :)
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