
I was thinking about what the correct term is for the "." symbol at the end of sentences. Is it dot, point or period?
Turns out it is period, but I also learned that in British English it’s called full stop, which I find very funny 😂. It sounds like something that one would scream in an emergency. FULL STOP!

Anyway, in German there is only one word for dot, point, period and full stop.

  • 3
    Same in Spanish, just one word: "punto". English is weird.
  • 4
    in german, we call this NORMALGEWICHTETESSATZABSCHLUSSSIGNALZEICHEN, and i think it's beautiful.
  • 3
    @tosensei German should be capitalized! Do you want to be sent to grammar camp?
  • 2
    @Lensflare nah, fuck german.

    also, i'm a firm believer of "screw capital letters where they provide no benefit".

    they only function to provide emphasis for certain words, and to provide visual cues that help your eyes while navigating longer texts. which is a completely pointless property in short fragments like this.

    sometimes i even make the effort of correcting myself when i capitalised words out of habit in short messages.
  • 3
    @aviophille oh, come on.

    don't be sulky just because you realised that your "joke" was unfunny and your mental capacity wasn't enough to properly understand that my initial response to it was not an insult.

    you didn't have to delete your own post just because it was bad - after all, it was bad in a slightly amusing way.

    keep trying, buddy! you'll get there eventually! :)
  • 1
    @aviophille oh, come on. i'm not THAT shitty. for example, i don't have links to bird porn in my profile description ;)
  • 1
    @aviophille nah, you just feel insulted by everything.

    i only start with actual insults _after_ you start going apeshit.
  • 1
    @tosensei but it does make a difference. For example, you shouldn't confuse Polish with polish 😆
  • 1
    @aviophille if you recall what i answered: i _did not_ call you (or it) dumb. not until after you've proven yourself dumb by not understanding my previous post.

    i only added a humorously-meant comment to your humorously-meant post.

    and sorry, but no matter how much i can try to explain it to you - i can't understand it for you.
  • 1
    @aviophille what are you talking about? I didn‘t call anything dumb that you wrote in this rant. I didn‘t even talk to you once.
    Stop acting like a hysterical monkey!
  • 1
    @aviophille so you ADMIT to blaming me for something someone else did - and yet you call ME a shitty person?

    seriously, go stuff a chicken up your butt.
  • 1
    @Lensflare he's talking about his "square estimates"-"joke"
  • 1
    @aviophille You are in the wrong rant, you moron
  • 1
    @aviophille if you were able to read and understand english correctly, he said "IN THIS RANT".

    seriously, stop daydrinking that much.
  • 1
    @Lensflare he deleted it, cause he couldn't stand having any proof of him being unable to understand basic english.
  • 1
    @aviophille it's not abuse if it's just an observation of facts.

    you _did_ fail to understand that the response was a joke, not an insult.

    you _did_ fail at comprehending basic english.
  • 1
  • 1
    @tosensei Definition of abuse from a dumbass: "if someone says something that I don‘t like."
  • 2
    @Lensflare oh, if that's the case:

    come on, ostream. stop abusing everyone on this platform all the time.
  • 2
  • 1
    @aviophille dude, it's impossible to "belittle" you. you're already at planck-length-level.

    also: stop abusing me by calling me a bully. you're mean :<
  • 0
    @aviophille nah. i'm not sad. i can promise you, i am far from sad right now.
  • 1
    @aviophille thanks again for proving my point that you simply suck at using the english language.
  • 1

    > I deleted it because I found it disheartening to try to make a joke and see two assholes pretend to take it seriously to belittle you.

    I don‘t believe you. You just were ashamed or embarrassed.

    You misunderstood, as you misunderstand everything: We weren’t taking it seriously to belittle you. We continued on your joke by exploring the consequences of its premise.
    Seriously only a dumbass can be insulted by someone who makes a follow up joke on your joke.
  • 1
    @aviophille stop changing the topic of "you keep abusing the english language AND birds"
  • 2
    @aviophille so it's only a joke if there's no possible way for you to hallucinate it being an insult. got it.

    but to state the obvious once again: i _swear_ to everything you deem holy that i did not mean my comment about "square-hours" in any way as insult.

    if i want to insult you, trust me - you will know, you dumb little koalabrain.
  • 1
    @aviophille so you admit you are a shitty person that hides behind bad jokes about long estimates? got it.
  • 1
    @aviophille I was responding to TeachMeCode or whatever his name is, IIRC. And I was referring to his comment where he stated that you just need to convert to months of 6, which doesn‘t make sense, but anyways. I was trying to say that taking this seriously would be dumb because squaring a number can result in lower numbers.
    So it wasn‘t even directly directed to you or your original joke. It was directed to the silly proposal of TeachMeCode to fix the issue with the result of lower numbers after squaring.

    That‘s what I remember. Of course it would be easier if you weren’t deleting the evidence that you base your complaints and claims on.

    You are pathetic on so many levels that it‘s dizzying.
  • 1
    @aviophille yes, you are the pathetic one, and hellbent on interpreting everything as attack on you, even if it is obvious to any sane person that it isn't.

    talk about mental gymnastics.
  • 1
    @aviophille no, you don't. you just imagine it.

    you've brainwashed yourself into taking EVERYTHING as an attack.

    i recommend seeing a therapist about this. and no, that is NOT meant as an insult but as SERIOUS advise.
  • 1
    @aviophille "ah now we're gaslighting. great. " not we. you are doing it to yourself. only you.
  • 1
    @aviophille dude, how often do i have to say it: i DIDN'T call your idea dumb. (i did call YOU dumb after you didn't realise that i dodn't call your idea dumb)

    also: dude, how often do i have to say it: calling javascript terrible is NOT a joke, i SERIOUSLY believe JS to be one of the worst things ever happening to information technology, i SERIOUSLY believe that everybodys life would be better if javascript did not exist anymore.
  • 1
    @aviophille maybe. also, i believe strongly that carthago must be destroyed.

    (i doubt that you get the reference, but if, by a bunch of miracles, you DO - then you will also gain understanding about the "broken record" thing)

    also: you are a broken record about people "abusing" you, so pick your own nose first.
  • 1
    @aviophille one would say "overcorrective", while someone else would say "your bullshit is so far from reality, logic, or any other thing good and true that it is IMPERATIVE to show you the error of your ways".

    or in words you might understand better:

    damn, son, you stupid.
  • 1
    @aviophille yeah take that tone, bitch, that'll convince people you're not a pathetic little cunt with a fetish for embarassing yourself in front of others and blaming everyone but yourself.
  • 1
    @aviophille i simply thought i'd have a better chance of reaching you if i tried to respond on your intellectual level.

    (to save you from martyring your brain too much to come up with the retort, that's the classic "no, u")
  • 2
    @aviophille couldn't even be bothered to add a space in the right place while doing your non-humorous little fake? :D

    @cafecortado hey buddy - got any of them banged grains left to share?
  • 1
    @aviophille i know. that's why i wrote "non-humorous". do you not know what "non-humorous" means?
  • 0
    @aviophille almost... it means "you, ostream, are a whiny little bitch".

    but so good to see you making progress, i'm proud of you!
  • 1
    @aviophille you sound like a broken record with that one.

    and at the risk of joining you: i know, thanks for noticing, i've worked hard on that!
  • 1
    @aviophille if i am the devil, that means i'm not a person being posessed by a demon. so "exorcism" is not applicable. once again you fail at english.

    and yet again: thank you for the compliment, i appreciate it! :)

    you're incredibly dumb, but at least you're not just slightly amusing, but also kinda sweet if you want to ;)
  • 2
    75 comments so far. I‘m honored by the classic ostream bullshit spam 😄
  • 1
    @Lensflare it's nice to have some things in life you can always rely on, isn't it?
  • 1
    @aviophille I guess that much is true.
  • 0
    @aviophille Wait I just googled what truce means lol.
  • 1
    @aviophille nope. no truce until you get the therapy you so desparately need.

    AND publicly apoligise for your numerous murder fantasies.
  • 0
    @aviophille just go and get some therapy before they come and catch you.
  • 1
    @aviophille "Have YOU ever been to therapy?" - indeed, yes, and i'm not ashamed to admit it. even while fully knowing that you WILL twist it into a werd, badly-thought-out insult.

    also: no. not "everyone" would be oversensitive.

    basically _nobody_ even remotely balanced would be. "everyone" would just not give a fuck.

    it's just you, dude. just you.
  • 1
    @aviophille it's not that "nobody cares about online abuse". people _do_ care about abuse.

    it's just that what you are going on about is _not_ abuse.

    you're like the ultra-weird kid that actually _does_ keep hitting himself.
  • 1
    @aviophille well, if there is any "abuse" it's the loads of apeshit you're spewing forth, from writing "fuck you" a million times to multiple death threats.

    to repeat.



    my behavior might be seen as rude by some.

    yours is positively illegal and even punishable as they are right now.

    and as to "how can i say that?" very easily. with confidence. and, in contrast to you, very calmly.
  • 1
    @aviophille "there is no abuse" said also the neutral bystander if there simply _was_ no abuse.
  • 0
    @aviophille keep in mind there is a key difference between "you threatening me" and "me feeling theatened".

    and if you simply failed at basic english again in your incontrollable rage - and simply misspelled "treated rudely" - the same applies. "you insulting me" does not necessitate "me feeling insulted"

    because what you think of me matters _very_ little to me - i don't engage because i feel a need to "defend myself" or something, but because, as i repeatedly said, "you going apeshit" is simply amusing.

    you, however, seem to put great value in what i think of you, the way you overreact.
  • 2
    @aviophille you said many times that you want to be left alone, yet you always try to keep the conversation going. I don‘t get that at all.

    @tosensei please ignore him or he starts to lose his shit again and threatens to kill people on the street.
  • 0
    @aviophille no, i'm not proud.

    as i said numerous times - more often than you could count to, probably -

    i am _amused_

    what part of this are you not getting? can you pin that down for me?
  • 1
    @aviophille and for tne N+1th time: i'm not amused by you being hurt. i'm amused by you being utterly insane.
  • 0
    @aviophille be honest - would you take any offer of someone who, under whatever circumstances, threatened your life?

    and instead of showing any insight into this justified their own behavior "but THEY were mean to me"?
  • 0
    @aviophille just answer my question, if you can control your primal rage that long. a simple "yes" or "no" is enough.
  • 0
    @aviophille So it looks like you are also a masochist. Okay then, go ahead.
  • 0
    @aviophille "yes" or "no" are really outside of your capabilities, it seems.
  • 1
    After reading all the comments in this rant, I need therapy, too 😂
  • 1
    @aviophille Judging by their (in)ability to help you, they can‘t be that good.
  • 0
    @aviophille it's no "double blind". it's just plain old obvious and straightfoward mockery.

    it's not a "manipulative technique" - it's a rhetoric device.
  • 0
    @aviophille it's orders of magnituse further away from "abuse" than death threats.

    I hope you're not doing that to people around you IRL.
  • 0
    @aviophille so you even admit to being a violent psychopath yourself. that's a good step forward, not denying it.

    now the next step would by trying not to be a menace to society anymore.
  • 1
    @aviophille you side with those who choose violence against people they don't like - and blame me for "siding with the bullies"?

    dude, you're punching people in the face because you don't like what they say. _you_ admit to being the bully.

    seriously, are you even real, or are you a language model ordered to be as pathetic as possible?

    because if you are, your programmers oughta know you're a great success.
  • 0

    "You side with the cops and the good society." - no.

    "The "sane" people." - no.

    "The popular kid." - no.

    " You think everybody thinking differently than you is an idiot." - no. as i mentioned a few dozen times: just you. how often do i have to repeat it before you accept it? or is your context configured to just a few hundred tokens, so you lose that information all the time?
  • 1
    Here we go again. He deleted all of his comments.
  • 1
    Deleted all of his clown accounts, actually.
  • 1
    @Lensflare maybe this time he'll stick with it instead of creating the next one to whine about having to delete his old account.
  • 1
    @albertfish oh come oooon, seriously? is the sole purpose of your existance to break every record in "being pathetic"?

    either delete your account or don't, but quit yoyoing like this, you're just wasting your time.
  • 2
    A part of me was optimistic and thought that ostream might take a break from devrant and finally get the mental help that he needs.
    Silly me!

    Another part of me thinks that he might be the most dedicated troll in existence.
  • 0
    @albertfish addendum: at least pick an account name that resembles your original one, so newcomers aren't confused about who that deranged maniac "ostream" is everybody is laughing about.
  • 0
    @albertfish no, no, no, as you've been told numerous times, you need professional psychiatric help. possibly combined with a permanent residence in the clinic.
  • 0
    @albertfish stop.

    stop it.

    get some help.

    you're a deranged, homicidal, racist lunatic, we get it. that doesn't mean you're beyond redempton.

    go find the nearest psych ward. trust me, they'll make you better.
  • 1
    @albertfish well, if it were true that i _made_ you crazy, wouldn't that mean that, in fact, you _are_ crazy by your own logic?

    but - no. you've always been crazy, dude.
  • 1
    @albertfish seems in addition to everything else, you have a huge misunderstanding about the word "hate".

    and again, it's impossible to "belittle" you, since you are already at the planck-length level of pathetic. you can't "be" any "littler".

    but if anything: you could start by apologising for your _numerous_ death threats, and maybe then we'll talk about "not treating you like the wannabe-homicidal little chihuahua you are and continuously prove to be"
  • 0
    @albertfish Please explain to me the reason why you deleted your account and continue to do the same thing with a new account, for the second time now. How does it make any sense?

    One explanation might me to delete evidence. Another one would be that you are a troll.
  • 0
    @albertfish this is far from being the step one.

    There are many steps that come before:

    * You write some provokative or supposedly funny comment or rant.
    * someone makes a harmless comment about that
    * you take it personally and feel insulted, completely out of proportion
    * people try to clarify
    * you misunderstand and get more raging. Throwing insults like there is no tomorrow

    Then your step 1 begins
  • 0
    @albertfish so you are dodging the question why you delete the account…
  • 0

    > because I was hurt.

    That doesn’t make any sense. Why would you delete your account when you feel hurt?

    And deleting your account would put you in a worse position when you try to explain your actions based on the stuff that was written.

    So again: why?
  • 0

    > Not "someone", dude, you. And given everything that happened before, maybe writing something along the line of "it's dumb" under something innocent wasn't the best idea. Taken individually, words seems harmless, but it's constant negativity.

    > Seriously, it's like you guys cannot communicate without being acidic and hurtful.

    No, it’s impossible to communicate with you without you taking everything personally and misunderstand.
  • 0
    @albertfish "Well I want to substract myself from the situation I guess." and then you add yourself right back in. guess you're bad at math, too.

    also: no. a proper apology is needed. you know the kind that involves stating what you did, and doing it publicly (=new rant, not a comment) and stuff?
  • 0
    also: don't delete your account unless you plan on never making a new one. all or nothing.
  • 1
    @albertfish Sorry but you can‘t forbid someone to comment on what you said on a public platform like devrant. Deal with the comments or don‘t participate if you can‘t handle it.
  • 1
    @albertfish Not as much as you love playing the victim

    Edit: The comment that this comment was an answer for has been deleted.
  • 2
    Account deleted again?
  • 1
  • 1
    And so the ostream 3.0 cycle begins…

    Maybe he really is a troll. Surely nobody can be such a common sense resistant pita?
  • 1
    @toosensei now you are guilt tripping me by claiming shit that you hallucinated. No, I‘m not trying to gaslight you, I‘m not being mean. I‘m telling you that you have serious psychological problems. And you fail to realize that literally no one agrees with you and everyone is trying to explain it to you as much as they can. Until they give up.
    There is no other way to put this. You will understand this as bullying again, but you pathologically put yourself into the situation where others have to point it out to you.

    And why deleting the account when you continue to do the same?

    Again: This leaves only 3 possibilities:

    * you were a troll from the beginning and you are laughing you ass off right now
    * you don‘t want others to have evidence of what you wrote because you know that it‘s bullshit
    * you really are this delusional maniac who accuses others of crap that was hallucinated, misunderstood and not realizing that you do the same and worse.
  • 1
    @toosensei in case point 3 is correct: You are literally retarded. It’s not an insult. I think your mental development stopped at age 12 or something.
    This is the only explanation.
    Get yourself tested, it might save you some troubles in the future.
    Again, not an insult. An honest observation.
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