
Do ya ever hate how often people use the term "AI" so loosely. It's like saying your thermostat or your "smart oven" (or "smart"-everything) is "AI-infused" because it can regulate the temperature. Unless the machine actually learns something for next time around, a bunch of "if" statements isn't truly AI in my book.

  • 3
    Yeah truly. Definition of artificial intelligence depends on definition of intelligence. If it can do something “intelligent” even if it's just hard coded to do exactly so, it's AI.
  • 1
    @joas Naaah... A mousetrap from the 1800s could then be considered AI because it is activated on weight detection.
  • 4
    Most people can't even fit AI classification ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 0
    AI will take over people jobs. Just because someone stop doing anything at all in their work and AI still going to do at least something even small things...
  • 0
    If the machine is learning something, it's machine learning coupled with AI. AI, on its own, is just dumb if statements and some confusing mathematical formulae.
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