
If software you’re trying to use doesn’t have at least 500 lines bash install script downloaded directly from internet and piped into your machine it’s not software meant for developers.

  • 2
    I thought I was the only one worried about this...

    But, tbh, it is no different than "regular" updates. You never know what you get and most often, you will see in hindsight what really happened.
  • 1
    @vlord yeah they are just hiding bash scripts and curl text files under the hood
  • 1
    @vane i dunno why that made me think of the astronaut being pointed at with a gun meme:

    "Has it been bash scripts all this time?"

    "Always has been"
  • 1
    @AleCx04 Yeah if this world is simulation it was setup with a bash script.
  • 0
    @vane that would explain so....so much
  • 0
    A unicorn is a 500 lines of bash script that works on the first try
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