
If Android phone has a bug and doesn’t receive fix: nobody cares

If iPhone has a bug and Apple fixes it after 2 days: WOLOLOLOLO, APPLE SUCKS! THE END OF APPLE IS NEAR!

  • 4
    It still depends on the bug... sometimes bugs on iOS are just ridiculous, horrible performance and HW issues.
  • 2
    @JS96 performance... ridiculous bugs... sounds exactly like my old Honor 5X, which has promised Android 7 update, but NOPE
  • 3
    @athlon I'm not defending Android, they are even more ridiculous sometimes :P
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    @JS96 and I’m just saying my personal experience
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    @athlon for instance on Android 5 the status and nav bars were always transparent, so If I had very light wallpaper I couldn’t see anything on them. BUT they were not transparent ONLY in Google Now Launcher
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    WOLOLOLO OSism begone
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    iOS 11 seems to be very buggy release even for simple tasks like simple math in calculator.

    iPhones are much more expensive than most Android phones so most users or spectators like me depends on Apple that they just do their job better than cheaper vendors.
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    @SystemZ it's not even a bug, it just had a set time period that you couldn't tap it again after.

    plus, I'm on a 150$ iphone right now, and running the latest update. you couldn't do that with android.
  • 1
    Apple positions themselves in a way that when they have a bug it's unacceptable. Also they use to have less bugs in my experience. The quality of software and hardware is declining imo.
  • 0
    @calmyourtities you can do that with android. My secondary phone is a nexus 4 (~100$) with the latest stock android
  • 0
    I can't remember the last time I found a bug in android. There are some minor ones, but you can't brick the phone by sending a certain text and you can type an i even with autocorrect enabled.
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