
something tells me this should not happen on university PC...

  • 0
    What University is this? Also, your University gives for free computers?
  • 0
    I'd prefer not to mention my university since... well you know 😇
    and no we have to buy our own pc/notebook
  • 0
    Fair enough 😉
    Aww, darn, no free PCs? Even schools give them away nowadays. Maybe they expect their students to be able to pay for a laptop if they can afford the course itself.
  • 1
    When I started learning programming in school, visual Studio was cracked...
    That was like in 1998...
  • 1
    our universities are for free as long as you are our state citizen and you don't prolong standard lenght of your course and you are under 26 years old
    but our state doesn't give much money for science and education so there's no way a school could afford to buy a laptop for everyone
    there are few sponsors but they give only few PCs to one classroom which then have to have their name. It's quite ridiculous to go for example to T-Systems hall and so on... 😀😀
  • 1
    This happens all the time at universitys if they run a licensing server and it is unavailable
  • 1
    never thought about it like that 🤔 it actually makes sense. Ty for explaining 😊
  • 0
    Ahhh ok, makes sense.
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